

Welcome to TALIB.PRO WebSocket API developer documentation. Get WebSocket SDK @ GitHub.

End Point

The base endpoint is: wss://


No authentication is required, but the max active connection is limited to 1 per IP address.

Plan Auth max connection
GUEST no 1

Request Process

WebSocket connections go through the following lifecycle:

Request Format

SDK Example:

Copy to Clipboard
const API_WS_SDK = require('@talib-pro/api-ws-sdk') const ws = new API_WS_SDK() ws.connect() // establish connection ws.onAuth((error) => { if (error) { console.error(error.message) // auth error / fail } else { // subscribe to channel and indicators with previous data ws.subscribe('BINANCE:BTCUSDT|1h', ['RSI', 'MACD', 'CCI:20,hlc3'], true) // subscribe to channel and indicators without previous data ws.subscribe('BINANCE:ETHUSDT|1h', ['RSI']) // unsubscribe one channel after 10 seconds for testing... setTimeout(() => { ws.unsubscribe('BINANCE:BTCUSDT|1h') }, 10000) } }) ws.onMessage((payload) => { console.log(payload) // receive payload }) ws.onError((error) => { console.error(error) // connection error })

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "subscribe", "channel": "BINANCE:BTCUSDT|1h", "studies": ["MACD", "CCI:20,hlc3"], "history": true }
Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "unsubscribe", "channel": "BINANCE:BTCUSDT|1h" }

Event should contain one of the following:

subscribe, unsubscribe, ping


Name Type Required Description
event string yes subscribe
channel string yes event channel name
studies string[ ] yes event channel studies
history boolean no event to include previous data


Name Type Required Description
event string yes unsubscribe
channel string yes event channel name


Name Type Required Description
event string yes ping

Response Format

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "subscribe", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1h", "studies": [ { "id": "MACD", "setting": { "fastLength": 12, "slowLength": 26, "source": "close", "signalSmoothing": 9 } }, { "id": "CCI", "setting": { "length": 20, "source": "hlc3" } } ], "status": 200 }
Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "unsubscribe", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1h", "status": 200 }
Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1h", "study": { "id": "MACD", "setting": { "fastLength": 12, "slowLength": 26, "source": "close", "signalSmoothing": 9 } }, "data": [1637272800, -159.59926912, -710.47603884, -550.87676972] }
Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "pdata", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1h", "study": { "id": "MACD", "setting": { "fastLength": 12, "slowLength": 26, "source": "close", "signalSmoothing": 9 } }, "data": [ [1636257600, 157.78619227, 265.43576672, 107.64957445], [1636261200, 131.66244838, 272.22763493, 140.56518655], [1636264800, 99.03857003, 264.36339908, 165.32482905], ... ] }

Event will contain one of the following:

welcome, auth, subscribe, unsubscribe, data, pdata, pong, fail, error


Name Type Description
event string auth
status number event status code


Name Type Description
event string subscribe
channel string event channel name
studies string[ ] event channel studies
status number event status code


Name Type Description
event string unsubscribe
channel string event channel name
status number event status code


Name Type Description
event string data
channel string event channel name
study object event technical indicator study
data array / object event technical indicator study data


Name Type Description
event string pdata
channel string event channel name
study object event technical indicator study
data array / object event technical indicator study previous data


SDK Example:

Copy to Clipboard
const API_WS_SDK = require('@talib-pro/api-ws-sdk') const ws = new API_WS_SDK() ws.connect() // establish connection ws.onAuth((error) => { if (error) { console.error(error) // auth error / fail } else { // subscribe to channel and indicators without previous data ws.subscribe('BINANCE:BTCUSDT|5m', ['RSI']) ws.subscribe('BINANCE:BTCPERP|15m', ['RSI']) ws.subscribe('COINBASE:BTCUSD|30m', ['RSI']) } }) ws.onMessage((payload) => { console.log(payload) // receive payload }) ws.onError((error) => { console.error(error) // connection error })

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "subscribe", "channel": "BINANCE:BTCUSDT|5m", "studies": ["RSI"] }
Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "subscribe", "channel": "BINANCE:BTCPERP|15m", "studies": ["RSI"] }
Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "subscribe", "channel": "COINBASE:BTCUSD|30m", "studies": ["RSI"] }

When subscribing to channels, each must include exchange, symbol, and interval in the following format.




Exchange Example

Subscription Limit

All WebSocket connections have a limit depending on your plan. You have to adapt your application setup accordingly to split subscriptions to channels using multiple WebSocket connections. Subject to change without notice.

Plan max channel

Technical Inidcator Limit

For each channel, you can subscribe to multiple technical indicators depending on your plan. Subject to change without notice.

Plan max studies

Technical Indicator

Subscribe multiple technical indicators to a channel.

Accumulation Distribution

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "ACCD", "setting": {} }, "data": [1637285400, -4550.8701385] }
Indicator Study Default
Accumulation Distribution ACCD -

Advance Decline Ratio

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "ADR", "setting": { "length": 9 } }, "data": [1637285460, 0.5] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Advance Decline Ratio ADR ADR:9 Length


JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "AROON", "setting": { "length": 14 } }, "data": [1637284140, 35.71428571, 92.85714286] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Aroon AROON AROON:14 Length

Average True Range

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "ATR", "setting": { "length": 14, "smoothing": "RMA" } }, "data": [1637284980, 95.67333358] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Average True Range ATR ATR:14,RMA Length, Source[RMA, SMA, EMA, WMA]

Awesome Oscillator

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "AO", "setting": {} }, "data": [1637285160, -209.98879412, 0] }
Indicator Study Default
Awesome Oscillator AO -

Bollinger Bands

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "BB", "setting": { "length": 20, "source": "close", "stdDev": 2 } }, "data": [1637285100, 57190.234, 57385.42791434, 56995.04008566] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Bollinger Bands BB BB:20,close,2 Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4], StdDev

Bollinger Bands %B

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "BBR", "setting": { "length": 20, "source": "close", "stdDev": 2 } }, "data": [1637285220, 0.27213026] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Bollinger Bands %B BBR BBR:20,close,2 Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4], StdDev

Bollinger Bands Width

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "BBW", "setting": { "length": 20, "source": "close", "stdDev": 2 } }, "data": [1637285220, 0.00735817] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Bollinger Bands Width BBW BBW:20,close,2 Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4], StdDev

Chaikin Money Flow

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "CMF", "setting": { "length": 20 } }, "data": [1637285220, -0.25628464] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Chaikin Money Flow CMF CMF:20 Length

Chaikin Oscillator

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "CO", "setting": { "fastLength": 3, "slowLength": 10 } }, "data": [1637285280, -35.34304299] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Chaikin Oscillator CO CO:3,10 Fast Length, Slow Length

Chande Momentum Oscillator

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "CMO", "setting": { "length": 9, "source": "close" } }, "data": [1637285280, -44.32273839] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Chande Momentum Oscillator CMO CMO:9,close Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

Choppiness Index

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "CHOP", "setting": { "length": 14 } }, "data": [1637285580, 52.15346241] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Choppiness Index CHOP CHOP:14 Length

Commodity Channel Index

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "CCI", "setting": { "length": 20, "source": "close" } }, "data": [1637285580, -24.59305731] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Commodity Channel Index CCI CCI:20,close Length, Source[open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

Connors RSI

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "CRSI", "setting": { "lengthRsi": 3, "lengthUpDown": 2, "lengthRoc": 100 } }, "data": [1637285580, 72.52737085] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Connors RSI CRSI CRSI:3,2,100 RSI Length, UpDown Length, ROC Length

Correlation Coefficient

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:ethusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "CC", "setting": { "symbol": "BINANCE:BTCUSDT", "source": "close", "length": 20 } }, "data": [1637288280, 0.92399303] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Correlation Coefficient CC CC:BINANCE:BTCUSDT,close,20 Symbol, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4], Length

Detrended Price Oscillator

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "DPO", "setting": { "period": 21, "centered": false } }, "data": [1637285580, -156.18428571] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Detrended Price Oscillator DPO DPO:21,false Length, Centered

Directional Movement Index

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "DMI", "setting": { "adxSmoothing": 14, "diLength": 14 } }, "data": [1637285760, 38.28157923, 10.28472605, 22.73164929] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Directional Movement Index DMI DMI:14,14 ADX Smoothing, DI Length

Donchian Channels

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "DONCH", "setting": { "length": 20 } }, "data": [1637285820, 57123.94, 57302.28, 56945.6] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Donchian Channels DONCH DONCH:20 Length

Double EMA

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "DEMA", "setting": { "length": 9 } }, "data": [1637285820, 57021.97943753] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Double EMA DEMA DEMA:9 Length

Ease Of Movement

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "EOM", "setting": { "length": 14, "divisor": 10000 } }, "data": [1637285820, 174521.94532424] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Ease Of Movement EOM EOM:14,10000 Length, Divisor

Elders Force Index

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "EFI", "setting": { "length": 13 } }, "data": [1637285820, -266.02083895] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Elders Force Index EFI EFI:13 Length

Exponential Moving Average

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "EMA", "setting": { "length": 9, "source": "close" } }, "data": [1637285940, 57014.50451927] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Exponential Moving Average EMA EMA:9,close Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]


JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "ENV", "setting": { "length": 20, "percent": 10, "source": "close", "exponential": false } }, "data": [1637285940, 57031.181, 62734.2991, 51328.0629] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Envelope ENV ENV:20,10,close,false Length, Percent, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4], Exponential

Fisher Transform

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "FISHER", "setting": { "length": 9 } }, "data": [1637285940, -0.04808712, 0.16812853] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Fisher Transform FISHER FISHER:9 Length

Historical Volatility

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "HV", "setting": { "length": 10 } }, "data": [1637285940, 1.81806697] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Historical Volatility HV HV:10 Length

Hull Moving Average

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "HMA", "setting": { "length": 9, "source": "close" } }, "data": [1637285940, 57020.66992593] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Hull Moving Average HMA HMA:9,close Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

Ichimoku Cloud

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "IC", "setting": { "turningLinePeriods": 9, "standardLinePeriods": 26, "leadingSpan2Periods": 52, "displacement": 26 } }, "data": [1637285940, 57028.59, 57151.265, 57057.73, 57089.9275, 57231.37] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Ichimoku Cloud IC IC:9,26,52,26 Conversion Line Length, Base Line Length, Leading Span B Length, Displacement

Keltner Channels

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "KC", "setting": { "length": 20, "multiplier": 1, "source": "close", "exponential": true, "bandsStyle": "true range" } }, "data": [1637286180, 57122.1701818, 57037.24059391, 56952.31100602] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Keltner Channels KC KC:20,1,close,true range Length, Multiplier, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4], Bands Style[true range, range]

Know Sure Thing

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "KST", "setting": { "rocLen1": 10, "rocLen2": 15, "rocLen3": 20, "rocLen4": 30, "smaLen1": 10, "smaLen2": 10, "smaLen3": 10, "smaLen4": 15, "sigLen": 9 } }, "data": [1637286180, -3.0581887, -3.93196312] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Know Sure Thing KST KST:10,15,20,30,10,10,10,15,9 ROC Length #1, #2, #3, #4, SMA Length #1, #2, #3, #4, Signal Line Length


JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "MACD", "setting": { "fastLength": 12, "slowLength": 26, "source": "close", "signalSmoothing": 9 } }, "data": [1637286180, -3.72744262, -54.04610529, -50.31866267] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Moving Average Convergence Divergence MACD MACD:12,26,close,9 Upper Deviation, Lower Deviation, Count, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]


JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "MOM", "setting": { "length": 10, "source": "close" } }, "data": [1637286360, -248.82] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Momentum MOM MOM:10,close Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

Money Flow Index

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "MFI", "setting": { "length": 14 } }, "data": [1637286360, 26.64693323] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Money Flow Index MFI MFI:14 Length

Moving Average

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "MA", "setting": { "length": 9, "source": "close" } }, "data": [1637286360, 56919.96555556] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Moving Average MA MA:9,close Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

On Balance Volume

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "OBV", "setting": {} }, "data": [1637286360, -12284.51719] }
Indicator Study Default
On Balance Volume OBV -

Price Oscillator

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "PPO", "setting": { "shortLength": 10, "longLength": 21, "source": "close", "exponential": false } }, "data": [1637286480, -0.11139631] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Price Oscillator PPO PPO:10,21,close Short Length, Long Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

Price Volume Trend

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "PVT", "setting": {} }, "data": [1637286540, -22.47711049] }
Indicator Study Default
Price Volume Trend PVT -

Rate of Change

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "ROC", "setting": { "length": 9, "source": "close" } }, "data": [1637286540, -0.39561302] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Rate of Change ROC ROC:9,close Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

Relative Strength Index

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "RSI", "setting": { "length": 14, "source": "close" } }, "data": [1637286660, 36.21051218] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Relative Strength Index RSI RSI:14,close Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

Vigor Index

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "RVGI", "setting": { "length": 10 } }, "data": [1637286660, -0.2445827, -0.23332148] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Vigor Index RVGI RVGI:10 Length

Volatility Index

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "RVI", "setting": { "length": 10 } }, "data": [1637286660, 40.89936668] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Volatility Index RVI RVI:10 -

Parabolic SAR

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "SAR", "setting": { "start": 0.02, "increment": 0.02, "maxValue": 0.2 } }, "data": [1637286720, 56895.82433732] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Parabolic SAR SAR SAR:0.02,0.02,0.2 Start, Increment, Max Value

SMI Ergodic Indicator

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "SMII", "setting": { "longPeriod": 20, "shortPeriod": 5, "signalLinePeriod": 5 } }, "data": [1637286720, -0.32371354, -0.30213124] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
SMI Ergodic Indicator SMII SMII:20,5,5 Long Length, Short Length, Signal Line Length

SMI Ergodic Oscillator

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "SMIO", "setting": { "longPeriod": 20, "shortPeriod": 5, "signalLinePeriod": 5 } }, "data": [1637286840, -0.03727811] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
SMI Ergodic Oscillator SMIO SMIO:20,5,5 Long Length, Short Length, Signal Line Length


JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "STOCH", "setting": { "k": 14, "d": 3, "smooth": 3 } }, "data": [1637286900, 15.36285305, 12.54719127] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Stochastic STOCH STOCH:14,3,3 %K Length, %K Smoothing, %D Smoothing

Stochastic RSI

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "STOCHRSI", "setting": { "k": 3, "d": 3, "rsiLength": 14, "stochasticLength": 14, "rsiSource": "close" } }, "data": [1637286960, 62.38847893, 34.72939903] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Stochastic RSI STOCHRSI STOCHRSI:3,3,14,14,close K, D, RSI Length, Stochastic Length, RSI Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

Triple EMA

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "TEMA", "setting": { "length": 9 } }, "data": [1637286960, 56773.16287288] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Triple EMA TEMA TEMA:9 Length

Triple Exponential Average

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "TRIX", "setting": { "length": 18 } }, "data": [1637286960, -2.03817255] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Triple Exponential Average TRIX TRIX:18 Length

Ultimate Oscillator

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "UO", "setting": { "length1": 7, "length2": 14, "length3": 28 } }, "data": [1637286960, 48.8985614] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Ultimate Oscillator UO UO:7,14,28 Fast Length, Middle Length, Slow Length

Volatility Stop

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "VSTOP", "setting": { "length": 20, "source": "close", "multiplier": 2 } }, "data": [1637287140, 56855.80923633, 1] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Volatility Stop VSTOP VSTOP:20,close,2 Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4], Multiplier

Volume Weighted Average

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "VWAP", "setting": { "anchorPeriod": "Session", "source": "hlc3" } }, "data": [1637287140, 57114.18992814] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Volume Weighted Average VWAP VWAP:Session,hlc3 Anchor Period[Session, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, Decade, Century, Earnings, Dividends, Splits ], Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

Volume Weighted Moving Average

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "VWMA", "setting": { "length": 20, "source": "close" } }, "data": [1637287140, 56778.82254962] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Volume Weighted Moving Average VWMA VWMA:20,close Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

Weighted Moving Average

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "WMA", "setting": { "length": 9, "source": "close" } }, "data": [1637287140, 56716.63555556] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Weighted Moving Average WMA WMA:9,close Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]

Williams Alligator

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "WA", "setting": { "jawLength": 13, "teethLength": 8, "lipsLength": 5 } }, "data": [1637287260, 56806.11104371, 56746.02856326, 56711.06857982] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
Williams Alligator WA WA:13,8,5 Jaw Length, Teeth Length, Lips Length

William %R

JSON Example:

Copy to Clipboard
{ "event": "data", "channel": "binance:btcusdt|1m", "study": { "id": "WR", "setting": { "length": 14, "source": "close" } }, "data": [1637287260, -96.08625585] }
Indicator Study Default Parameters
William %R WR WR:14,close Length, Source[close, open, high, low, close, hl2, hlc3, ohlc4]


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400 Bad Request -- You requested a format that isn't valid.
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